This blog is changing domain

January 1, 2015 in Uncategorized

Dear Playboy fans,
First of all I wish you all the best for 2015.
Here is a quick message to ask you to update your bookmarks.
Once again Google blacklist the domain “” because it is hosting the old blogs which are not mobile friendly as not built to be viewed from a phone.
In order that both blogs, A Tribute to Playboy and the new A Tribute to Holly Randall, could be indexed on Google search database they are moving domain.
Pages built in 2014 using domain “” will still be available but all the new pages created from 2015 will only be visible from the new domain “”.
If you are still used to surf through the TGP and old blogs pages, these pages will still be available on the domain “” and they will never be moved to the new domain.
The use of the new domain “” will also offer me to list you soon, in the All Models page, the links to all Playmates and Cybergirls archives per year listed on the old blogs.
Thanks to leave me a comment in case you detect some missing pictures or broken links on the new domain “”.

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